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Squaw Bread Where To Buy

Holloway said is he looking for a permanent name for the dark brown, molasses-sweetened bread to write on the sign, print on paper menus and post on the restaurant website. And he is holding a contest, taking nominations through the end of this month.

squaw bread where to buy

Concern about the word squaw has spurred the renaming of 28 geographic features across the country, including one in California, since 2010, said Lou Yost, executive secretary for the U.S. Board on Geographic Names in Reston, Va.

Tiffany Meyer, California Advisory Committee on Geographic Names chair, said there are four pending proposals to rename features in the northern Sierra Nevada that refer to squaw. Meyer said those will be taken up Wednesday at a committee meeting.

Along with the growing campaign to eliminate references to squaw, many objectionable mascot names for professional, college and high school sports teams have been discarded, Houska, the tribal rights attorney, said.

Squaw bread is a rye and molasses bread that was developed by the German immigrants and the Native Americans near whom they lived in the 1800s. When some of the Germans chose to move west, they took with them seeds for rye and recipes from their homeland. They turned to the Native Americans for substitutions for the ingredients to which they no longer had access. To give honor and appreciation to the Native Americans for their kindness and new friendship, the bread was called Squaw Bread.

True friendship and breaking bread that was shown in our country over 200 years ago. A great example for ourselves of kindness. Enjoy this bread as a delicious sandwich bread, a warm piece of bread with butter, or to accompany a delicious meal.

For several years now, Southern Californian restaurateurs Keith and Kitty Holloway have noticed a slow but steady stream of complaints pertaining to the name of the bread on their menu. The Backstreet Restaurant in Riverside, California has been in the Holloway family for over 48 years, but that hasn't stopped customers from taking issue with a longstanding item on their menu: "squaw bread."

Here's where this story starts to get a bit tricky. Squaw bread is a real thing, not something dreamed up by the Holloways. It is supposedly a rye and molasses bread first developed in the 1800s by German pioneers who looked to Native Americans for the bread's inspiration. These bread-making European immigrants apparently brought rye seeds with them on their journey to the New World, but they lacked several ingredients for their bread of choice. Thus they turned to their newfound neighbors, the Native Americans, for substitute ingredients.

Back in Riverdale, Keith Holloway became fed up with the steady spate of complaints and decided that enough was enough. "I've been convinced that it's an offensive word," said Holloway about the term "squaw bread." He decided the rename the stuff.

So the Holloways took the next logical step, and staying true to their Californian roots, threw a public competition. They asked regulars for suggestions for a new name for the bread. Incidentally, Adam Levine didn't show up to the competition, but I it heard from a very reputable source that several people sighted a cowboy hat believed to have been worn by Blake Shelton.

Squaw bread is made with rye and molasses. It was first made by German immigrants in the 1800s. They took inspiration from Native Americans. This is the reason squaw bread similar to American rye bread.

To make squaw bread, mix yeast, water, and sugar in a bowl. Then, mix flour, molasses, honey, butter, cocoa powder, salt, and cornmeal along with the yeast mixture in a mixer until the dough is soft. Put the dough in a bowl, cover it and let it rest for 1 hour. Then, place the dough on a baking tray and bake it for about 35 minutes. After that, take it out and let it cool. Then, serve.

Allow mixture to sponge for 10 minutes. The sponging processes gives the bran in the wheat flour a chance to absorb the liquids, resulting in a lighter loaf of bread. You may notice bubbles, which is just the yeast at work.

The Backstreet Restaurant, perhaps best known by locals for its pastrami and corned beef sandwiches since its opening nearly 50 years ago, has reportedly launched a contest to find a new name for its squaw bread, one of six types of bread the eatery offers customers for their sandwiches.

Owner Keith Holloway started the search after a female customer ordered a turkey sandwich a few weeks ago and pointed to the word "squaw" as her bread type selection, according to the Press-Enterprise.

Upon learning that the word "squaw" - which has traditionally been used to describe the rye and molasses bread linked to the arrival of Germans in the southwest U.S. during the 1800s - was "apparently" the equivalent of the "N-word" for Native Americans, Holloway decided to reportedly cover up the bread's name on the deli chalkboard.

While the restaurant is currently taking suggestions for new names for the bread - which other eateries have replaced with "Indian Princess Bread" or "Indian Maiden Bread" - the name was still on the restaurant's website as of Monday morning.

Apology for what? Fact is, the name "Squaw Bread" is offensive to many.Another fact is, there is a type of bread named "Squaw Bread." I don't seewhat Static I has to apologize for, and I don't see why you feel sosensitive about having been told the name is offensive. S/he wasn't somuch rebuking you for asking, but was merely stating that the name of thebread is offensive.rona

Cool. That's interesting to know.As for me, I think a good term would be "Pre-European Americans". Hopeit catches on. It's unambiguous, and it's not tautologically contradictorylike that other term. And better yet, it's not specifically designed tobe devisive, like that other term.And now, back to bread recipes :)

>family wrote:>> >> my dad was native american, his great grandmother used to make squaw bread,>> it is also known as fry bread.>> y.b.>>No, Fry bread is not the same thing as what is being referred to here.

Are you referring to "Squaw" bread? AFAIK the Mexicans make tortillasand bolillos. "Squaw" bread is nothing like either of those. "Squaw"bread is not rough and actually has quite a few ingredients. All theliquids and the raisins are mixed together in a blender.I believe it is of fairly recent origin and I don't believe it wasdeveloped by the original inhabitants of the Americas. They would neverhave called it "Squaw" bread.That takes us back to the beginning of this thread, the first responseto the request for a recipe. Since we have come full circle IMO it istime to end this discussion.

> There is a term similar to what you are using, but only as a timeline in> history: Pre-Columbian.> > It isn't really the Natives who are out of whack here - our calling ourselves> "Americans" hogged the name for the entire Western Hemisphere.> >> >And now, back to bread recipes :)> >> > Yes. I'm not sure what everybody sees in Outback, anyway.

>There is such a type of bread. Geez! All I was asking for was a recipe!>Sorry you were offended! To prove to you there is such a bread, here is a>recipe! An apology would be nice.> Squaw Bread>I am married into an American Indian family and can tell you thatthey find the term squaw bread offensive. While the origin of theword is innocuous, it has been used in an offensive manner. Themanufacturers companies don't care, it sells bread.Susan Silberstein[snip]

In my husband's American Indian family, fry bread is nothing like"Squaw" bread, a term we find unpleasant. Fry bread is AP flour,some quick leavening, salt, nonfat dry milk, and water. It ismade into a soft dough, patted into a circle and deep fried.There is no molasses, unlike the above-mentioned unmentionablebread. In addition, that bread is yeast-leavened. Susan Silberstein

While the morpheme squaw (or a close variant) is found within longer words in several Eastern and Central Algonquian languages, primarily spoken in the northeastern United States and in eastern and central Canada,[8][9] these languages only make up a small minority of the Indigenous languages of North America. The word "squaw" is not used among Native American, First Nations, Inuit, or Métis peoples.[2][3][4][5] Even in Algonquian, the related morphemes used are not the English-language slur, but only a component part of longer Algonquian words that contain more than one morpheme.[8]

The term squaw is considered universally offensive by Indigenous peoples in America and Canada due to its use for hundreds of years in a derogatory context,[3] and usage that demeans Native American women. This has ranged from condescending images (e.g., picture postcards depicting "Indian squaw and papoose") to racialized epithets.[10][11] Alma Garcia has written, "It treats non-white women as if they were second-class citizens or exotic objects."[10]

In November 2021, the United States Department of the Interior, headed by Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, declared squaw to be a derogatory and racist term and began formally removing the term from use on the federal level. Secretary Haaland announced the creation of a committee and process to review and replace the names of geographic features that contain the offensive term.[1]

Anti-racist groups have also worked to educate about, and encourage the elimination of, the slur. When asked why "it never used to bother Indian women to be called squaw," and "why now?" an American Indian Movement group responded in 2006:

Were American Indian women or people ever asked? Have you ever asked an American Indian woman, man, or child how they feel about [the "s" word]? (... it has always been used to insult American Indian women.)Through communication and education American Indian people have come to understand the derogatory meaning of the word. American Indian women claim the right to define ourselves as women and we reject the offensive term squaw. 041b061a72


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