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PowerMurdoch Mysteries : Season 1 Episode 1

"Power"Season1Episode1AirdateJanuary 20, 2008WriterR.B. CarneyDirectorFarhad MannGuestsTamara Hope as Edna Brooks (née Garrison)Patrick Garrow as Allen FawkesAlan C. Peterson as Edwin DoddDavid Huband as Daniel PrattRecurringDmitry Chepovetsky as Nikola TeslaNextThe Glass Ceiling"Power" is the first episode of the first season and the first episode of the Murdoch Mysteries series. It first aired on January 20, 2008.

PowerMurdoch Mysteries : Season 1 Episode 1

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  • A competent, if somewhat quirky, detective who is originally assigned to Station No. 1 Watts worked with Station No. 4 on a number of cases, including filling in as Detective while Murdoch served as acting Inspector during Brackenreid's absence. He officially joins Station 4 at the beginning of season 11, and by the 1920s has risen to the rank of Inspector. Ambiguous Disorder: Watts never maintains eye contact for long, is constantly fidgeting with things, has an unusual method of solving crimes, doesn't have many friends and got forced out of Station House One because he wasn't liked enough, is very smart and accomplished for his age (he was already a detective at age 26), and seems to have underdeveloped motor skills (he can't really hold a fork properly and his handwriting is very messy). In an episode when people get possessed and act out of character, George figures out something is off with him because: "Detective Watts is acting as normally as you or I."

  • Awesomeness by Analysis: Watts possesses a sharp analytical mind with superb capacity for deduction, making him a fine detective in his own right. In Frankie Drake, Mary gets a little star-struck at meeting him and notes his investigative record is nearly as good as that of Murdoch himself.

  • Betty and Veronica: He has a gay version of this in season 15 between his competing love interests. Restrained, quiet homebody butcher Jack Walker is the Betty, while the flamboyant, outgoing Eccentric Millionaire Milo Strange is the Veronica. Watts's conflicted relationships with them comes to a head in Season 15, when Strange isn't happy that Watts still seems involved with Walker and Walker himself has seemingly murdered the woman he married as The Beard and abducted their son.

  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He's a competent detective, but with some occasionally off-putting mannerisms and Cloudcuckoolander tendencies.

  • Catchphrase: He often says "With me, (name or title)" when he's leading someone to evidence he's found or starts on a case with them.

  • Closet Gay: Given the setting of the early 1900s, Watts is forced to stay in the closet under threat of losing his job and/or being arrested.

  • Cloudcuckoolander: Watts often lives in his own world, musing philosophically on the people around him.

  • The Dandy: Is always since wearing fancy, colorful suits. In particular, a green plaid suit that is introduced in season 12.

  • Foil: Watts' disorganized and active style of police work contrasts with Murdoch's more studious approach.

  • The Grinch: A very downplayed example. Watts has no attachment to Christmas, since he's a Jewish atheist who often prefers his own company to that of others. He doesn't begrudge anybody else celebrating Christmas, but he also doesn't mind being assigned to cover the station house on Christmas Eve while most of the main cast is away at a party.

  • Guile Hero: Don't let his quirky demeanor fool you, Watts is sharp as a tack. His efforts to help bring down Graham must be seen to be believed.

  • Innocently Insensitive: Watts is a good man, but he often processes thoughts aloud with little consideration to social mores. As such, he often sticks his foot in his mouth without even realizing it.

  • Long-Lost Relative: After his parents died when he was 12, his 15 year old sister disappeared. She showed up 15 years later, and it's revealed she ran away because she didn't want to be burdened with raising her younger brother.

  • No Loves Intersect: Watts clearly desires a steady, committed relationship. He doesn't have a problem with his boyfriend marrying The Beard to keep his sexuality a secret (which is necessary in a time when homosexuality was illegal) as Jack Walker did, but he's visibly unhappy at Milo Strange dating other men at the same time he's with Watts.

  • Omniglot: Can speak French, Italian, German, and Greek, in addition to English.

  • Perma-Stubble: Watts is often unshaven.

  • Private Detective: After permanently leaving the Constabulary, Watts sets himself up as a private investigator. Murdoch hires him to help investigate a series of killings among Toronto's homeless. Watts is somewhat reluctant, as he's already made quite a name for himself as a private detective.

  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: In the Season 15 finale, Watts leaves Toronto for New York after learning that Brackenreid falsified evidence that got an innocent man hung, and Brackenreid threatens to reveal Watts' sexuality to ensure his silence.

  • The Stoic: Watts can be blunt and outspoken, but he rarely shows a great deal of emotion. When he does, it's usually because he's very upset, such as when he confronted his sister for abandoning him.

  • Transparent Closet: Downplayed, neither Murdoch nor Margaret are surprised to learn of his sexuality, and Brackenreid turns a blind eye to it after Watts outs himself.

  • The Whitest Black Guy: A variation in that Watts is uncertain about his Jewish roots. He discovers he's Jewish almost by accident, and has absolutely no idea what that's supposed to mean. He gets a crash course in Judaism from a young Al Jolson, who's performing in Toronto when they meet.

  • Rebecca James is a coroner-in-training who started working in the morgue as a cleaner, before Dr. Ogden found evidence of her intelligence and interest in biology. Big Damn Heroes: George was shot in the tenth-season finale, and his body armor saved him from being instantly killed. He would have died if Rebecca hadn't extracted the bullet and stopped the bleeding, thankfully.

  • The Coroner: Julia notices Rebecca's talent when the latter makes some observations while cleaning in the morgue, prompting Julia to take her on as an assistant.

  • Hidden Depths: Rebecca obviously has talent as a physician and coroner, but she also has remarkable aptitude as a detective. If the show were set in the modern age, Rebecca could as easily have been a police detective as a coroner.

  • Hospital Hottie: In keeping with tradition. A beautiful medical student working in the morgue as Dr. Ogden's protégée.

  • Put on a Bus: She left to become a doctor in another town in the eleventh-season premiere, but she returns later in the episode.

  • You Are in Command Now: When Julia is injured in a hotel fire, Rebecca temporarily takes over her duties, including working with Murdoch at crime scenes.

  • Mrs Edna Brooks, formerly Miss Edna Garrison, is a pretty young woman from Toronto, courted by George Crabtree. She's strong and intelligent, and a kind parental figure to her stepson Simon. Animal Lover: In the first episode, she objects to the exploitation of animals and is a member of the Toronto Humane Society. She bonds with George over their love of animals. She rescues a dog that was supposed to be killed. She names the dog Violet for the violets she got from George Crabtree. Edna can't keep her, though, and brings Violet to George who adopts her.

  • Ascended Extra: She first appears in the very first episode "Power". George finds her interesting and admits to Murdoch that he is "sweet on the girl" who is suspected of murder. She is innocent. Ultimately, the relationship goes nowhere. In season 8 she has a comeback and her role is expanded.

  • Domestic Abuse: Her husband, who was presumed dead, returns. One of the first things he does is beat her up.

  • Good Parents: She's a great mother figure to Simon. Always supportive and never too strict even when Simon has a reputation of getting himself into trouble fairly often.

  • Good Stepmother: She is Simon's stepmother. It's a rather difficult situation because her husband dies and she's Simon's only guardian. Luckily they get on fairly well.

  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She's a pretty young blonde and has a sweet temper. She's kind to her stepson Simon, a lovely girlfriend to George and the woman loves animals.

  • Romancing the Widow: She's a young widow and very attractive. George Crabtree starts courting her and she reciprocates. She also likes that George is a good influence on her stepson Simon.

  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Averted. Season 15's "Pay The Piper" has Brackenreid mention that the police have finally tracked down Edna and Simon in another town. They won't be facing any charges since they killed Archibald in self defence. The fact that Archibald was an abusive sleazebag who deserted his brothers in arms during The Boer War likely didn't help anyone care about seeing him avenged.

  • Lydia Hall Played by: Katy BreierNina Bloom's best friend and fellow dancer. Beta Couple: Or rather, tetra couple, as she and Henry are the third most prominent couple in the show for most of a season but lack beyond superficial attraction.

  • Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak: Lydia is a demure burlesque dancer, but she also enjoys rollerblading both for the exercise and to keep her legs looking shapely.

  • He Knows Too Much: In her final appearance, she seeks police protection after overhearing some corrupt officials planning a criminal scheme. It doesn't save her.

  • The Mistress: Lydia is desperate for a better life and in her first episode, she's romantically involved with a married man who tells her he's about to leave his wife for her. She eventually accepts that he's stringing her on.

  • Took a Level in Badass: Lydia is a nervous burlesque dancer, but in her penultimate appearance, she stabs a masked potential rapist in the hand.



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